Lash Extensions Thickness: A Complete Guide for Beginners

Lash Extensions Thickness

Are you considering eyelash extensions to enhance the beauty of your eyes? If so, do you know the importance of choosing the right eyelash extension thickness? Similarly, the thickness of the lash extension can make a significant difference in the natural speed and impression of the lashes, while also affecting the comfort feeling of the wearer.

But with so many options available in lash extensions thickness on the market today, how do you know which lash extension thickness is best for you? In this complete guide, we’ll dive into the different lash extensions thickness options, explore their effects, and help you determine the perfect lash extensions thickness that you desire. Get ready to discover everything you need to know about lash extensions thickness to make everyone jealous of your lashes!

What are the thickness eyelash extensions?

What Are The Thickness Eyelash Extensions

In the world of eyelash extensions, the thickness approaches the diameter of each individual lash extension. It is measured in millimeters and plays an important role in the quality of the eyelash extension. However, it is important to note that thickness and volume are not the same. Although a 0.07 mm extension may weigh around 0.04 mg, the length and material of the lash extension also contribute to its total mass. Basically, the more extended the lashes are, the heavier they are. So when it comes to the thicknest lash extensions, you can find lash extensions with larger diameters, limited to 0.15mm or even 0.20mm options.

Please remember that the final value of the extension can optionally change to other factors as well. It’s best to consult with an eyelash extension technician, who can guide you in choosing the appropriate thickness of eyelash extensions to achieve your desired lashes.

Why should you choose the right lash extensions thickness?

Choose The Right Lash Extensions Thickness

  • Choosing the right lash extensions thickness plays an important role in the overall appearance of your eyes and the comfort of your lash extensions.
  • Thickness not only determines the application symbol but still affects how long lash extensions last and how comfortable or heavy to your real lashes.
  • Choosing the wrong thickness can lead to discomfort and fall lash extensions or even damage your natural lashes.

Those are the reasons why it is important to understand the impact and influence of lash extensions thickness on the natural lashes and lash extensions results, thereby helping you make informed decisions in choosing the suitable eyelash length.

Lash Extensions Thickness Chart

Lash Thickness

To help make the process of choosing the right forum connection level easier for you, we have prepared a helpful eyelash extensions thickness chart. This chart provides a summary of the different thickness options available, from the most the thinnest to the thickest. It shows the different effects that each eyelash extensions thickness can achieve, helping you visualize how your lashes will look with different options. Whether you desire a natural and sophisticated look or a bold and defined look, this thickness of eyelash extensions chart will serve as a useful reference point for you.

Types Of Lash Extensions Thickness

The lash extensions material will directly affect the lash extensions thickness. There are the most basic types of lash extensions thickness today: Thin (Fine/Thin), medium (Medium/Average), slightly thick (Extra thick) and extremely thick (Super thick).

  • Thin lash thickness: usually has a thickness of 0.10mm or less, including: 0.03mm, 0.05mm, 0.07mm and 0.1mm, these are lash extensions thickness found in different types of Sable lashes. Sable is the lash extension material that most closely resembles natural eyelashes, so they’re so comfortable that you’ll forget you’re wearing eyelash extensions. This lash length is often used to increase lash volume for people with  thin and sparse lashes.
  • Average lash thickness: This is suitable for faux mink lash extensions or mink lash extensions such as Faux Mink, Mink or Synthetic mink. Thickness ranges from 0.15mm to 0.20mm, providing natural and attractive light.
  • Extra Thick lash thickness: often used for silk lashes, with a thickness of about 0.25mm. This eyelash thickness helps create a striking look and helps make the eyes shine and become more attractive.
  • Super thick lash thickness: often used for synthetic eyelash materials, about 0.30mm thick. This eyelash thickness is suitable for those who have strong natural eyelashes and want to own extremely impressive eyelash extensions.

What is the Perfect lash extension thickness for you?

You are familiar with the different eyelash extension thickness options and understand the importance of choosing the right eyelash extension thickness. However, if you still have questions about: “What is the perfect lash extension thickness for me?” The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, such as: natural lash strength, eye shape, and your personal preferences.

In the next section of this guide, we will dive deeper into these factors and help you determine the ideal lash extension thickness that best suits your natural lash characteristics, eye shape, and the best lash extensions result you wish.

How to choose lash extension thickness for Classic eyelashes

1. Classic lash thickness

Classic Lash Extensions Thickness

  • 0.10mm thick eyelashes: Low thickness lashes, suitable for customers with weak or thin eyelashes. However, it will be necessary to attach classic lashes with a thickness of 0.10 to natural eyelashes using the classic lash extension technique to help create a more natural and fuller eyelash extension effect, without causing a heavy feeling when worn.
  • 0.12mm thick eyelashes: Eyelashes have an average thickness of 0.12, ensuring naturalness and saving more effort on eyelash extensions than eyelashes with a thickness of 0.10.
  • 0.15mm thick eyelashes: 0.05 thick eyelashes are suitable for customers who have strong, sturdy natural eyelashes and want thicker and more attractive eyelashes.

2. Classic lash curl

Notes When Using The Lash Curl Chart

When combined with classic lash thicknesses from 0.01 to 0.15 mm, the lash curls C and D are the most suitable choices to apply in the classic lash extension technique.

  • C curled lashes: Moderately curved eyelashes are suitable for customers who like naturally curled lashes.
  • D curled lashes: D curled eyelashes have a greater curvature than C curled lashes, suitable for customers who like impressive and attractive curled eyelashes.

3. Classic lash length

Lash Length

You should choose an eyelash length that corresponds to the customer’s real eyelash length and desire for eyelash extensions. When applying classic lash extensions, the lash length from 6mm to 14mm is the best choice to create more natural eyelashes. During the process of applying eyelash extensions, you need to keep the root of the eyelash extension about 1-2 mm away from the real eyelash root to avoid the eyelashes looking fake and obstructing vision.

>>> Related Post: Eyelash Extension Style Chart

How to choose lash extension thickness for volume lashes

1. Eyelash volume thickness

Volume Lash Extensions Thickness

  • 0.03mm thick eyelashes: quite thick eyelashes suitable for customers who want mega volume lash extensions. These volume fans are usually larger than 20D.
  • 0.04mm thick eyelashes: are thin eyelashes, this lash thickness is often used to create Volume 12D – 15D eyelashes (with 12 or 15 eyelashes in one lash fan) or more. Suitable for customers who want mega volume lash extensions, helping the eyes become more comfortable and softer.
  • 0.05mm thick eyelashes: medium thin eyelashes, helps save time on eyelash extensions and is suitable for volume 8D to 10D eyelashes (8 to 10 eyelashes per lash fan).
  • 0.07mm – 0.10mm thick eyelashes: are slightly thick eyelashes, creating a thick and dark feeling for the eyelashes. Suitable for customers with healthy eyelashes. Volume lashes range from 2D to 6D (from 2 to 6 eyelashes per lash fan).

2. Eyelash volume curvature

Which Lash Curl Is For You

  • C, CC curled lashes: Medium curled eyelashes, suitable for customers who like naturally curled lashes.
  • D, DD curled lashes: Eyelashes have more curvature than C, helping to create a strong curling effect for Volume lashes.
  • L, M curved lashes: Eyelashes have a larger curvature and are more angular than C and D curvatures, helping to create a sharp eye effect suitable for cat eye and fox eye lash extension styles.

3. Eyelash volume length

Lash Extension Length Chart

Volume lash length is quite flexible and can be used from 7mm to 15mm length. If you want mega volume lash extensions, you can choose lash length from 15mm depending on the customer’s wishes. Short and long eyelashes can also be combined to create diverse and special effects.


Through the above content, we can see that choosing the right eyelash extension thickness is very important to achieve the look you desire as well as ensuring comfort and longevity of the eyelash extensions. By considering factors such as the strength of your natural lashes, eye shape, and personal preferences, you can determine the perfect eyelash extension thickness for you. So whether you like subtle lashes or want to make a difference, take the time to explore the different thickness options of lash extensions to make the best decision.

Confidence and attraction from the eyes are not only the result of eyelash extension art but also the effect of delicate eyelash thickness. Let your own eyes tell your own story, where unlimited beauty and eyelash thickness are not just a factor, but the key that opens the door to beautiful, seductive and impressive eyes.