What are Volume mink lash extensions? All You need to know

Volume Mink Lash Extensions

The demand for eyelash extensions is increasing and volume mink lash extensions are becoming a popular choice. Volume mink lash extension is not simply a type of false eyelash, but it is the most expensive eyelash extension product in the eyelash beauty industry, helping our eyelashes become thicker and more naturally curled than ever.

However, before deciding to get volume mink lash extensions, please clearly understand the eyelash material, eyelash extension method, process and care after eyelash extensions to achieve optimal results and avoid the risks worth having. This article will provide you with all the important information about volume mink lash extensions, let’s explore!

What are mink volume lashes?

What Are Mink Volume Lashes
What Are Mink Volume Lashes?

Mink volume lashes are a very popular eyelash extension product line in the eyelash extension industry, made from many mink lashes. The mink lashes are selected from the mink’s silky fur and then they are combed and disinfected. These mink lashes are carefully crafted to create lashes that are shaped like real lashes.

Mink volume lashes, also known as mink lash fans, mink volume fan lashes, are created from a mink eyelash cluster, then take the eyelash roots of the eyelashes in that mink eyelash cluster and stick them together with glue to create an eyelash root and the tip of the eyelashes are spread out like a fan. The volume mink lash extension technique will include applying a volume mink lash fan (consisting of many mink lashes) applied to a real eyelash. And continue with other mink lash fans. This helps create the effect of thicker lashes and adds length and curl to natural lashes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Volume Mink Lash Extensions

Advantages of volume mink lash extensions

Advantages Of Volume Mink Lash Extensions

Volume mink lash extensions have a soft, thin and light eyelash structure that is very similar to natural eyelashes, perfect when combined with your real eyelashes, making them difficult to detect as false eyelashes when applying eyelash extensions. They feel soft and gentle, allowing you to join multiple mink hairs together to create volume extensions. If the mink fur extraction process does not cause pain or harm to the mink animal, as the mink fur is combed to remove loose hair and then sterilized, you should also try the experience of volume mink lash extensions to create beautiful, voluminous and seductive eyelashes.

Disadvantages of volume mink lashes

However, volume mink lash extensions also have disadvantages. In addition to being expensive, volume mink lash extensions require time and care when performed. Creating mink volume lashes needs to be done quickly and properly so as not to deform the uniform curvature and spread of the eyelashes. If you have limited time, choose other eyelash extension styles. When applying volume mink lashes to natural eyelashes, it also requires you to have experience and skills to do it properly and accurately so as not to damage the eyelash extension results.

Nowadays, many eyelash salons use faux mink lashes. They are heavier than real mink but can hold the curl better. Faux mink lashes are similar to silk lashes, just a little thicker, and they are one of the most popular types of eyelash extensions on the market today thanks to their premium quality, safety and benignness for your skin and eyelids.

What mink lash extensions to use for volume?

What Mink Lash Extensions To Use For Volume

In eyelash extension techniques, two types of volume mink lash extensions are most used: Real mink lash extensions and Faux mink lash extensions.

Real mink lash extensions

Real mink lashes have thin and soft eyelashes, similar to thin natural eyelashes. This helps create a natural and comfortable feeling when used. Real mink lashes will bring attractive and natural beauty to the eyes without causing a heavy feeling in the eyes. For these reasons, real mink lashes have become a popular choice for beautifying the eyes. However, for some people with sensitive eyelashes and skin, these real mink lashes can cause allergic reactions to their natural lashes.

Faux mink lash extensions

Faux mink lashes are made from PBT (polybutylene terephthalate) synthetic fiber, a durable thermoplastic that does not irritate the skin. PBT fiber is not only a source of creative inspiration for cosmetic brands but also brings flexibility and diversity to the design of false eyelash models. PBT Faux mink lashes are reliable and should be commonly used in the eyelash extension industry because they minimize the possibility of injury to mink animals, helping to protect animals and natural ecosystems. You will be free to be creative with different styles and designs of eyelash extensions thanks to the durable eyelash curl and more diverse eyelash thickness and length than real mink lashes.

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Suggested 5 Styles of impressive beautiful Volume mink lash extensions

Cat Eye Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Cat Eye Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Doll Eye Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Doll Eye Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Natural Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Natural Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Fox Eye Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Fox Eye Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Kim K Volume Mink Lash Extensions
Kim K Volume Mink Lash Extensions

Are volume mink lash extensions expensive?

Volume mink lash extensions can range in price from $150 – $250. However, specific prices may vary depending on the location and quality of the beauty salon. It can also be influenced by the experience of the eyelash technician, the type of volume mink lashes, and the eyelash extension technique you choose.

Because volume mink lash extensions are a premium product line, they often cost more than other types of lashes. This price includes the effort and quality materials that go into creating natural mink lashes and is worth it to beautify your lashes.

You should also consult and compare prices from different eyelash extension salons to ensure you receive quality eyelash extension services and reasonable prices for volume mink lash extensions.

How to properly apply volume mink lash extensions?

Apply For Volume Mink Lash Extensions

To properly apply volume mink lashes, there are some important steps you need to follow:

  1. Choose an experienced and professional eyelash technician: This is important to ensure the technician has the necessary knowledge and skills to perform volume mink lash extensions.
  2. Choose the right eyelash extension technique: There are many different types of mink lashes and eyelash extension methods. Choose the type of mink lashes you want to use that must be suitable for the eyelash extension method such as hybrid, volume, mega volume,…
  3. Determine the appropriate thickness, curl and length: Depending on your preferences and the condition of your natural lashes, determine the thickness, curvature and length of mink lashes appropriately. Usually, the eyelash extension technician will discuss and advise you to choose the volume mink lash size that best suits your eyelashes and eye shape.
  4. Prepare all eyelash extension tools and clean them: Before starting the eyelash extension process, the technician will prepare all necessary eyelash extension tools such as: false eyelashes (volume mink lashes), extension tweezers eyelashes, eyelash separator tweezers, lower eyelash pads, paper tape,…. or cleaning items such as makeup remover cotton, gentle oil-free makeup remover to clean the eyelashes and eye area first when performing eyelash extensions.
  5. Perform eyelash extension technique: The technician will take a mink lash fan, dip it in a sufficient amount of glue and apply it to the natural eyelash root. Continue this process until the desired thickness, curl, and length are achieved.
  6. Check and adjust: When finished, check thoroughly to ensure that every mink fan is applied correctly and beautifully. If necessary, the technician will add or remove lash fans to ensure uniformity and naturalness of the eyelashes.
  7. Maintenance: To maintain the thickness and beauty of your mink lash extensions, follow your technician’s care and maintenance instructions. This includes avoiding water for 48 hours after applying eyelash extensions, avoiding touching and pulling on eyelashes, not using oil-based mascara, and having regular eyelash extension check-ups and maintenance at your nearest eyelash salon.

Note that volume mink lash extensions are a complicated process and need to be done correctly to ensure the safety of natural eyelashes. You should choose reputable eyelash extension facilities to apply volume mink lash extensions.


Volume mink lash extensions are not only an eyelash extension product but also a great solution for those who want natural, thick and attractive eyelashes. Volume mink lash extensions also bring natural beauty to the eyes without having to use mascara or false eyelashes every day.

Confident, seductive and without wasting your daily time with mascara and false eyelashes, volume mink lash extensions will be your trustworthy companion in your eyelash beautification journey. Try and discover the change that volume mink lash extensions bring to your eyes.